Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 !

Hey guys, my first proper blog in a while !!

Hahah well.. it's the dawn a new year !! which means lots of stuff !! new adventures, new opportunities, new drama and lots more fun (and work) ! I'm actually really excited about 2010, I can just feel, it's going to be a great year.. Uni life.. just thinking about all the freedom is pretty surreal actually.

Well 2009 has been a good one too, just reminiscing about it, it went by pretty fast, and perhaps ... possibly the best year of my life to date.. lots of Ups and downs but that's all part of the journey.. I've met my 2008 New Year's resolution, and allot of things have changed.. Looking back, it's just amazing seeing how fast a year goes by.. 365 days, 12 months. Also how much things can change.. How much I can learn just from 1 year.. just from this year.. how much I learn about others..? My family, my friends, my loved ones.. and most importantly, myself.. I learn more about myself each day.. I know it sounds weird and stupid lol .. but 2010 will place more hurdles, whether I fall or make it..I'll always know that at least I'll learn more about myself.

I've met and have gotten to know some pretty amazing people this year (not going to name names, you know who you are), formed some pretty tight friendships and bonds and burnt out others.. I've met people who I just know, will play some sort of role in my life and further mold my character and personality in the foreseeable future, whether it be positive or negative.. Well, we'll just wait and see eh :)

Anyway all the best to all, hope 2010 brings you whatever you seek, as for me.. It's time I should stop thinking to much, and just go with the flow.. After all this time, one thing always rings home hard.

Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change, even when you don't want them to..


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